Tokyo Day 6 Part 2 — Omotesando, Harajuku
After checking out the stores at Takeshita Dori near Harajuku Station (Tokyo Day 6 Part 1), we took a short walk over to Omotesando. Omotesando Boulevard Omotesando Boulevard is a 1-kilometre luxury shopping belt lined with ginkgo trees. The place is also known as Tokyo’s Champs-Elysees (there’s even a sign with this title). Kiddyland One [...]
Tokyo Day 6 Part 1 — Takeshita Dori, Harajuku
Yesterday we went to the ginkgo-lined avenue Icho Namiki at Aoyama (Tokyo Day 5 Part 1) before heading over to Akihabara for a spot of shopping (Tokyo Day 5 Part 2). Today we explored the two main shopping streets of Harajuku -– Takeshita Dori for the young and funky) and Omotesando if you’re into branded [...]